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Greeces Population A Demographic Overview

Greece's Population: A Demographic Overview

Current Population and Projections

As of May 12, 2024, the population of Greece stands at 10,307,834, according to Worldometer's analysis of United Nations data. However, based on projections of the latest UN data, the population is estimated to reach 10,308,165 on July 1, 2024.

Despite the slight increase in projected population, Greece's population is expected to experience a modest decline in the coming year. During 2024, the population is anticipated to decrease by approximately 41,431 people, resulting in a projected population of 10,239,277 at the start of 2025.

Demographics of Greece

The demographics of Greece provide insights into the characteristics and composition of the country's population.

Age Distribution

Greece has an aging population, with a significant proportion of the population falling into the older age groups. The median age is around 44 years, and the population is expected to continue aging in the coming decades.


Greece is a predominantly homogeneous country, with the vast majority of the population identifying as Greek. However, there are also small minority groups, including Albanians, Bulgarians, and Romanians.


Greece is a predominantly Orthodox Christian country, with over 90% of the population adhering to the Greek Orthodox Church. There are also small minority populations of Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants.


The population of Greece is dynamic and undergoing gradual changes. The demographic trends highlight an aging population and a slight projected decline in the coming year. Understanding the demographics of Greece is crucial for policymaking and planning for the country's future.
